Disabled Access Friendly is pleased to announce that it is to be supported by "Bits and Pieces": Thessaloniki's very own English language theatre group.
The group plan to perform sketches and 'serious' plays as well as including texts which will support and raise awareness in foreign language centres about the needs of... the physically disabled and to encourage changes.
The group is open to all teachers of English, whatever their first language, including members and friends of TESOL.
The group will be co-ordinated by Luke Prodromou and David Gibson. The first meeting will be held in the Auditorium at City College, Stein Building, Thessaloniki: 2 Kalapothaki St and Plateia Eleftherias 19.00 Thursday June 17th. Contact: Luke Prodromou: lukep@otenet.gr
Eμμανουήλ Χρύσης - Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone
The group plan to perform sketches and 'serious' plays as well as including texts which will support and raise awareness in foreign language centres about the needs of... the physically disabled and to encourage changes.
The group is open to all teachers of English, whatever their first language, including members and friends of TESOL.
The group will be co-ordinated by Luke Prodromou and David Gibson. The first meeting will be held in the Auditorium at City College, Stein Building, Thessaloniki: 2 Kalapothaki St and Plateia Eleftherias 19.00 Thursday June 17th. Contact: Luke Prodromou: lukep@otenet.gr
Eμμανουήλ Χρύσης - Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone
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