How to Install Remote Desktops

How to Install Remote Desktops
by Ty Arthur

It can be pain to go back and forth between several different computers on your home or office network, especially if you frequently move between different sites.
If you need to install programs on all of your computers or want to be able to access files on a different computer, you can use a remote desktop solution. All you need to do is install the remote desktop software on both computers and then create a password so that only you can access the first computer from any other Internet-connected PC.

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eHow - How To Do Just About Everything eHow of the Day

How to Install Remote Desktops

by Ty Arthur

It can be pain to go back and forth between several different computers on your home or office network, especially if you frequently move between different sites. If you need to install programs on all of your computers or want to be able to access files on a different computer, you can use a remote desktop solution. All you need to do is install the remote desktop software on both computers and then create a password so that only you can access the first computer from any other Internet-connected PC.

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