[Free Video] How To Build a HUGE List

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From: "Glen Hopkins" <glen@glenhopkins.name>
Sender: glenhopkins@aweber.com
Date: Sat, 14 Aug 2010 10:59:07 -0400
To: Emmanuel<e_chrisis@yahoo.com>
Subject: [Free Video] How To Build a HUGE List

I sent you this early last week and just
wanted to make sure that you saw it.

>>> Here's the link again <<<

The video that you'll get access to shows
one of the most powerful presentations
that I have seen in a long time.

I was truly stunned when I saw this...

Chris shows you how he has built list in
excess of ** 1.3 MILLION Subscribers** and
how he makes thousands every day and... more
importantly... how you can COPY his SYSTEMS!

Make sure you watch the video while you can.

Talk soon,

Suite 433, 800-15355-24th Ave, Surrey, BC, Canada V4A 3H9

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