The new national health care plan is not about you. It's not even about healing the sick.
It is about the government controlling health care—pursuing a socialist agenda that allows them to decide who deserves what treatments.
And it puts the future of the unborn, the elderly, and all Americans at very serious risk.
America must return to a biblical worldview, a worldview that values life.
Donate now, and join Coral Ridge Ministries in proclaiming the truth of the Gospel, as we call for the repeal of the national health care plan, and protect the sanctity of life in our nation.
WE MUST STOP IT because ...
• It will lead to taxpayer funded abortion,
• It will lead to rationing of care for the vulnerable—including senior citizens,
• It is unconstitutional—it forces you to BUY something.
• It will multiply the deficit and exponentially increase YOUR taxpayer burden!
So crucial are the issues of life and health for those we love—babies, moms, the elderly, our children, our parents, our grandchildren, and our grandparents—we cannot let them become victims!
Your generous donation will help Coral Ridge Ministries call our nation back to godliness, as we share a biblical perspective on the most critical issues and boldly proclaim the message of salvation.
When you deny or ignore that human beings are created in the image of God ... when you are willing to destroy life because it's convenient to do so ...
Then you have turned your back on a biblical worldview, and you have torn your society from the protective constraints of Scripture, righteousness, and respect.
Zechariah 8:16 instructs us—"These are the things you shall do: speak each man the truth to his neighbor; give judgment in your gates for truth, justice, and peace ..." (NKJV). This is what you're doing through Coral Ridge Ministries.
With your prayers and generosity, you help produce and air our weekly broadcasts of The Coral Ridge Hour, our daily Truths That Transform radio program, our powerful TV specials, and our new Cross Examine program.Thank you for your love for your country and your Savior.
God bless you, and God bless America.
Member, Board of Directors___________________________________________________________________
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Copyright 2010, Coral Ridge Ministries.
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Fort Lauderdale, FL 33302-1920
Coral Ridge Ministries aims to introduce people to Jesus Christ, nurture and encourage Christians, and reform cultures. Copyright 2010, Coral Ridge Ministries.
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