Teaching English to speakers of other languages

Teaching English to speakers of other languages can be a highly rewarding career, offering you the chance to live and work abroad. You will need an internationally recognised teaching qualification, and CELTA — highly regarded throughout the world — gives you the skills you need and will make it easier to get a teaching job anywhere.

Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA)

New online CELTA training in the pipeline

Frequently Asked Questions

What is CELTA?

CELTA is an initial qualification for people with little or no previous teaching experience and opens up a whole world of exciting teaching opportunities. Because it is awarded by Cambridge ESOL, part of the world-famous University of Cambridge, you can rely on its quality and recognition.

Over 10,000 people successfully complete a CELTA course each year.

How does CELTA relate to TEFL/TESOL?

'TEFL' or 'TESOL' are terms often used to describe qualifications for English Language teachers. CELTA, the most widely taken initial TESOL/TEFL qualification of its kind in the world, was previously known as CTEFLA and the 'RSA certificate'.

Who is CELTA for?

CELTA is suitable for a wide range of people. It is the ideal qualification for those who want to start English language teaching anywhere in the world. It is also suitable for people who want a career break or change and for those already teaching English who have no formal qualification.

What does CELTA involve?

You can take CELTA full time (typically four to five weeks), or part time (from a few months to over a year). Your chosen course:

teaches you the principles of effective teaching

provides a range of practical skills for teaching English to adult learners

gives you hands-on teaching practice.

There are five main units of learning:

Learners and teachers, and the teaching and learning context

Language analysis and awareness

Language skills: reading, listening, speaking and writing

Planning and resources for different contexts

Developing teaching skills and professionalism.

You will be assessed throughout the course, with no final examination. An external assessor, appointed by Cambridge ESOL, moderates each course. There are two components of assessment:

Teaching practice

You will teach for a total of 6 hours, working with classes at two levels of ability. Assessment is based on your overall performance at the end of the 6 hours.

Written assignments

You will complete four written assignments: one focusing on adult learning; one on the language system of English; one on language skills; and one on classroom teaching.

To be awarded the certificate you must pass both components. There are three grades — Pass, Pass 'B' and Pass 'A'.

Who recognises CELTA?

CELTA is accepted throughout the world by organisations which employ English Language teachers. The Cambridge CELTA has been accredited by Ofqual (the Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulation) at Level 5 on the National Qualifications Framework for England. Cambridge ESOL also works with international ELT organisations to ensure the acceptance of CELTA globally.

Am I eligible to apply?

Ideally you should:

have a standard of education equivalent to that required for entry into higher education

be aged 20 or over

have a standard of English which will enable you to teach at a range of levels.

Centres may still accept you if you do not have formal qualifications at this level but can demonstrate that you would be likely to complete the course successfully. Some centres may, at their discretion, accept applicants aged between 18 and 20.

How do I apply?

CELTA courses are designed by individual centres, based on specifications produced by Cambridge ESOL. They are available at over 286 approved centres in 54 countries, providing almost 900 CELTA courses every year.

Contact your chosen centre directly for detailed course information.
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