Never has there been an hour when America so urgently needed godly people to STEP UP and point the nation toward righteousness.
Please help me fight for our freedom and our future! Let me hear from you today with your online tax-deductible contribution.
After all, how can Christians stand by:
• when the advance of same-sex "marriage" damages families?
• when our government piles on staggering amounts of debt?• when the media blatantly characterizes people of faith as unintelligent—or as having psychological problems?
• when our government systematically marches toward socialism?
• when the so-called "Fairness" Doctrine threatens to censor conservative and Christian TV programs like The Coral Ridge Hour and Cross Examine?
• when our own President denies the founding faith of our country?
And sadly, the list could go on and on.
We can speak out, boldly, and in love, to communicate biblical values ... and set our nation on the right path toward godliness!
Coral Ridge Ministries can lead the way—in producing and airing
The Coral Ridge Hour and Cross Examine to proclaim the Gospel and a biblical worldview as we continue all of our outreaches—as long as concerned friends like you stand with me in prayer and in giving.
Please give generously today to help us speak the truth through all our outreaches.
As you do, I would like to send you our brand-new DVD, The Christian Roots of America, that separates fact from fiction in the debate over the "separation of church and state." It's a remarkable, eye-opening resource!
But please stand with me. Like never before, our country needs Christians like you to uphold biblical values and proclaim God's truth!
I hope I will hear from you right away with a generous gift, as God leads.
Thank you for your ongoing partnership. God bless you, and God bless America.
Jennifer Kennedy Cassidy
Member, Board of Directors_________________________________________________________________
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