20 Million Installs, May 26 Webcast, & More!

Hello, YouVersion friends!

Last November, we got together for the first YouVersion webcast and wondered if our generation could be the most Bible-engaged generation in history.
We challenged each other to make Scripture a part of our daily lives and share the Bible with our friends.
And the incredible YouVersion community is doing just that, fueling a pretty awesome milestone recently…

Together we've installed the Bible App on more than 20 million unique devices!


To celebrate, join us on Thursday, May 26 at 11am CDT for a YouVersion Community Webcast. We'll share the latest news, take an inside look at what's coming up, and give you a chance to ask your questions. And just to add an extra bit of fun, you'll have a chance to win an iPad2 when you spread the word and attend the event. We look forward to seeing you there!



We talk a lot about how amazing the YouVersion community is, and we think you'd enjoy the opportunity to connect with each other! Here are two great ways to do that:

>> Schedule a meetup. Enjoy a face-to-face connection with others who are passionate about the Bible…study together, discuss what you're reading, and pray for each other. If you do not see a group in your area, be the first to start one! We set up an area to make it easy:


>> Like the YouVersion page on Facebook, and join the conversations happening there. It's a great way to learn about Bible App news and take part in discussions about Scripture.



Glo, the innovative Bible exploration software for PC, Mac and iPad, has become the first of YouVersion's partners to offer Bible App features directly within their software.
This means that you can link your YouVersion account with the latest release of Glo Bible, synchronizing all your bookmarks and notes between both applications!
Now, anytime you use the Glo Bible, you'll have easy access to your favorite passages and notes.


Thanks for all you're doing to engage with God's Word and share it with the people around you.
We look forward to seeing you on May 26 for the webcast!


Your Friends at YouVersion

Facebook: http://facebook.com/YouVersion
Twitter: http://twitter.com/YouVersion- -
-Blog: http://blog.youversion.comSupport: http://support.youversion.comDonate: http://www.youversion.com/donateVolunteer: http://bit.ly/youversionvolunteers
------Αρχικό μήνυμα------
Από: YouVersion
Προς: e_chrisis@yahoo.com
Θέμα: 20 Million Installs, May 26 Webcast, & More!
Εστάλη: 17 Μάι, 2011 18:14

Hello, YouVersion friends!
Last November, we got together for the first YouVersion webcast and wondered if our generation could be the most Bible-engaged generation in history. We challenged each other to make Scripture a part of our daily lives and share the Bible with our friends. And the incredible YouVersion community is doing just that, fueling a pretty awesome milestone recently…
Together we've installed the Bible App on more than 20 million unique devices!
LET'S GET TOGETHER FOR A WEBCAST To celebrate, join us on Thursday, May 26 at 11am CDT for a YouVersion Community Webcast. We'll share the latest news, take an inside look at what's coming up, and give you a chance to ask your questions. And just to add an extra bit of fun, you'll have a chance to win an iPad2 when you spread the word and attend the event. We look forward to seeing you there!
CONNECTING WITH THE YOUVERSION COMMUNITY We talk a lot about how amazing the YouVersion community is, and we think you'd enjoy the opportunity to connect with each other! Here are two great ways to do that:
>> Schedule a meetup. Enjoy a face-to-face connection with others who are passionate about the Bible…study together, discuss what you're reading, and pray for each other. If you do not see a group in your area, be the first to start one! We set up an area to make it easy:
>> Like the YouVersion page on Facebook, and join the conversations happening there. It's a great way to learn about Bible App news and take part in discussions about Scripture.
YOUVERSION AVAILABLE IN GLO BIBLE Glo, the innovative Bible exploration software for PC, Mac and iPad, has become the first of YouVersion's partners to offer Bible App features directly within their software. This means that you can link your YouVersion account with the latest release of Glo Bible, synchronizing all your bookmarks and notes between both applications! Now, anytime you use the Glo Bible, you'll have easy access to your favorite passages and notes.
Thanks for all you're doing to engage with God's Word and share it with the people around you. We look forward to seeing you on May 26 for the webcast!
Sincerely, Your Friends at YouVersion Facebook: http://facebook.com/YouVersion Twitter: http://twitter.com/YouVersion - - - Blog: http://blog.youversion.com Support: http://support.youversion.com Donate: http://www.youversion.com/donate Volunteer: http://bit.ly/youversionvolunteers To update your email preferences: http://www.youversion.com/settings/notifications
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Οι επικοινωνίες μέσω του Διαδικτύου δεν είναι ασφαλείς και για τον λόγο αυτό ο αποστολέας δεν αποδέχεται νομική ευθύνη για τα περιεχόμενα του παρόντος μηνύματος και για οποιαδήποτε ζημιά προκληθεί από ιούς που είναι δυνατόν να εισαγάγει.

Σας ευχαριστούμε,

Εμμανουήλ Χρύσης

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Emmanuel Chrysis
