Από: e_chrisis@yahoo.com
Προς: e_chrisis@yahoo.com
Απεσταλμένα: Τετ, 14 Σεπ 2011 20:25 EEST
Θέμα: Amazing! Boy Visits Heaven! Shares Unbelievable Things!
Dear friends,
Thanks so much for being a part of InChrist! I came across an amazing story I want to share with you. The story is an almost unbelievable one of a little boy who went to heaven, saw exactly what it's like and came back to tell his amazing story! Please share this video with 10 friends, it's an amazing witness of Christ! WATCH THE VIDEO.
More good news, ten people gave their life to Christ over the last few days watching encouraging videos posted on InChrist! Praise God! Not only that, 768 have given their life to Jesus Christ over the last four months here at InChrist! God is doing amazing things.
We need your help to continue to spread the good news. We need your help to continue to spread the good news. We have an urgent need of people who can help from 5 minutes a day up to an hour a day.
If you can help us please visit: http://inchristnetwork.com/forums/topic/117/help-needed#axzz1XgZ5wgob
God bless you!
Officially Sent By
Laura -- InChristNetwork.com Staff Team
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