Success in Relationships

Success in Relationships

Life Issues: Section 2

Imagine a life all alone. No friends. No family. No people at the supermarket. Nobody. Sounds terrible, right? Yet people today report loneliness as one of their greatest complaints.
So if you are lonely, you are not alone. After making the first human, Adam, He looked at him in his solitary state and said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is just right for him" (Genesis 2:18). Just like Adam, you were meant for relationships. Do you have the quality or quantity of connection that you would like? You can look to Jesus as your role model, the greatest example of how to be a true friend.

Jesus taught that it's not how much you get that matters—it's how much you give. They say that a successful marriage is not each partner giving 50%; it's both people giving 100%.
The same is true of every relationship. Jesus said, "There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends" (John 15:13). Imagine you were in a really desperate situation and you needed someone to bail you out, even though you had nothing to repay.
The person who helped you would be a true friend to you, right? That is the kind of friend Jesus is -- He died for us when we had nothing to repay Him with -- and that is the kind of friend we are to be. You can be this kind of friend to your spouse, your family members, your coworkers, to strangers... even to enemies.
If you can manage to lay down your life for others, you will manage to have success in relationships.
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