Best Free Web Browser

Αγαπητοί συνάδελφοι,

Σύμφωνα με το παρακάτω άρθρο αναδεικνύεται καλύτερος φυλλομετρητής ο Chrome. Ωστόσο ειδικά όσον αφορά τα Κ.Ε.Π. λόγω της ιδιαιτερότητας των εφαρμογών που χρησιμοποιούν, συνιστάται για τις συγκεκριμένες μόνο εφαρμογές του υπουργείου να εξακολουθούν τη χρήση του Internet Explorer. Για τις λοιπές ανάγκες πλοήγησης συνίσταται ο Chrome ως πιο ελαφρύς και ευέλικτος.

Best Free Web Browser - We Have a New Top Pick
Posted: 05 Sep 2012 01:18 AM PDT

Well, well, well. After years as our Top Pick in the browser section Firefox has been bumped from the top spot. No guessing who is the new king: Google Chrome.
Our editor's choice mirrors my own experience. I was one the earliest supporters of Firefox but after a period of rapid development Firefox seemed to loose its way.
With the arrival of Chrome four years ago Firefox started to look lack-lustre and a while back I switched to Chrome and have never regretted it. I still support the idea of Mozilla Firefox but the simple reality is that Google have made a better mousetrap.
Thankfully Mozilla seems to have at last got its act together and recent versions have narrowed the gap with Chrome.
I truly hope that one day it will catch up and surpass Chrome but I'm afraid Chrome is itself a fast evolving product so its a tough road ahead for Firefox. - Gizmo
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