Words of LIFE: In God We Trust

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Από: LIFE Today
Αποστολέας: LIFE Today
Προς: Εμμανουήλ Xρύσης
Απάντηση σε: LIFE Today
Θέμα: Words of LIFE: In God We Trust
Εστάλη: 28 Οκτ. 2012 10:08

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      In God We Trust by James Robison The upcoming national election will say something about whom and what the American people trust. Both candidates and parties stress the importance of trust. The fact is, they each want you to trust their leadership and promises, yet neither candidate is perfect, and there are reasons for legitimate concern on both sides. We all want both parties to be concerned with the welfare of the poor, seek better ways to enable the healthcare system to work more efficiently and effectively, provide for the defense of the nation, reign in spending, and enforce constitutional laws. But we should recognize that government carries a limited load in our lives. God is our authority, our hope, and our provider, not government.   The people must control the government, or the government will control the people. "We the people" will ultimately trust God or government. If the government does not serve us wisely and effectively, we will serve it to our own ruin. When people are taught to look to government or to others to care for them, they will not look to God. But God is our only true source, and believers should act accordingly.   The prophet Jeremiah said, "Cursed is man that trusts in man." When people in trouble are led or encouraged to look to politicians and the federal government for help, they will likely not seek God and find the real assistance they so desperately need. When "we the people" are not taught to notice, love, care for, or assist our neighbor, we too have been deceived and contribute to our own downfall, loss of freedom, and ultimate bondage. Handing our personal responsibility and the importance of being involved in meeting the needs of others to some agency or national political power destroys hope.   If the American people will again put God in first place, we will notice others and, motivated by true compassion, work together to find meaningful solutions. In addition, we will be personally involve
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