Fear Not; I Am with You

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Από: GodLife
Αποστολέας: GodLife
Προς: Κος Εμμανουήλ Χρύσης
Απάντηση σε: GodLife
Θέμα: Fear Not; I Am with You
Εστάλη: 12 Νοεμ. 2012 11:00

Fear Not; I Am with You
Scripture: "God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline." 2 Timothy 1:7.
What are you afraid of, and why are you afraid?
At this time of year, people throughout the ages have felt spooked when the summer's time of plenty gives way for the coldness and death of greenery that come in late autumn. Ancient Celts believed that the line between the worlds of the dead and living became blurred during this season. After Christianity took hold, people in those regions still held on to superstitions. They fought their fears with ......
Click here  to read more about God's deliverance from fear.
Just for You

 The Bible can teach us how to overcome fear. Click to hear and read more about how the Bible teaches us not to fear and the importance of loving and trusting God.. GodLife.com
Personal Help

 Are you afraid and would like to talk with someone who can help you overcome your fears in Jesus's Name? We have trained, caring followers of Jesus who want to help you overcome evil by the power of the Lord!  Just click here to share your story.  You will hear from someone shortly!
Prayer Points

Will you pray this week that:
• To thank God that He has overcome all evil and death
• That God will help us be alert for attacks by the evil one
• That God will give you and our community courage to grasp God's promise of His    being with us – so we don't have to fear
• To praise God for the miracles of Jesus's life, death, and resurrection
• That we will live to glorify God
GodLife Family

Celebrate your freedom from fear and rejoice in your life everlasting by visiting the GodLife Facebook Page. It's a place where we can daily gather to share our stories,to express ourselves, and to pray for one another!
GodLife.com God Loves You!
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