Texas Pastor on Obama and Antichrist ★ 3 Core Post-Election Issues

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From: "ChurchLeaders.com Update" <ChurchLeaders@nc.churchleaders.com>
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2012 12:26:19 -0800
To: Emmanuel<e_chrisis@yahoo.com>
Subject: ★ Texas Pastor on Obama and Antichrist ★ 3 Core Post-Election Issues

ChurchLeaders.com Special Edition. Don’t miss this week’s breaking news. View this online

3 Core Post-Election Issues for the Church
Randall Bach urges Christian leaders to address three contemporary issues: sanctity of life, same-sex marriage and illegal immigration.
Texas Pastor: Obama Paving the Way for Antichrist
Dallas pastor Robert Jeffress warned thousands in his congregation that the leadership of President Barack Obama would pave the way for the rise of the Antichrist.
NYC Mayor Bloomberg Bans Food Donations for Homeless
Michael Bloomberg, New York City’s mayor, has outlawed food donations to homeless shelters in the city because authorities can’t assess their nutritional content.
Billy Graham Begins Post-Election Campaign with “Fresh Vision”
Now that the presidential election has been decided, Billy Graham has announced his new evangelistic campaign for the coming year.
Harlem Churches Attracting White European Tourists
Black churches in New York are suddenly attracting European visitors for a “uniquely American” spiritual experience.
YouVersion App Spurs More than Half-Billion Hours of Bible Engagement
The YouVersion Bible app has encouraged users to complete more than five million Bible plans inthe past three years.
Hurricane Sandy Brings Churches Together for Relief Efforts
Churches in New York and New Jersey are sticking around providing aid to victims of Hurricane Sandy even two weeks after the storm ravaged shore-lining homes and neighborhoods.

Copyright by ChurchLeaders.com and the authors. The ChurchLeaders.com Daily is provided for personal study or for use in preparation of sermons, Sunday school classes or other oral communication.

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