Joy is for Life, Not Just For Christmas

Opinion  Helen Wright  Joy is for Life, Nοt Just For Christmas 

Joy is for Life, Not Just For Christmas


Thursday, 20 December 2012 15:45 ⁠ Helen Wright ⁠


by Helen Wright

Despite the long consumer-driven countdown to Christmas day, I enjoy the cosy magical time when it does arrive. I'm writing as a Life Coach this month to help you avoid the stresses of creating quality family time over the Christmas period.

Relationships can suffer when we spend a lot of time together in close proximity. But we only have ourselves to blame if the pressure reaches danger levels. Unfortunately, in an effort to make everything perfect, we complicate what could be a wonderful time.

A lot of 'Christmas' problems are caused by rigid attitudes that linger from childhood. Trying to recapture the excitement of when you were young is a thankless task. Inventing your own tradition is much more fun and less restrictive. You shouldn't feel guilty for doing things your own way.  As a life coach, I teach that there is no such thing as failure, only a different outcome.

Christmas should be about quality, not quantity. Spending money you haven't got is a sure way to spoil any big occasion. I celebrate the real meaning of Christmas, not the ugly monster of consumerism. It's a choice, of course, but the whole point of the holiday is to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, not the birth of another iPhone.

The joy of giving shouldn't be overshadowed by money worries. Think differently about values. Rather than Christmas greed, think of other's needs. There are so many things you can do for people that are far more valuable than expensive presents, especially in a fragile economy. Physical acts of kindness like cooking a meal, baking mince pies or a cake, gardening, decorating or DIY are always appreciated because of the personal effort. Even spending time with a lonely friend or relative can be priceless.

Don't sabotage your holiday by making the wrong choices. Find a way to cure the disease of stress and make sure you're as healthy as possible by following a few simple rules:

Cut down on sugar, it causes headaches and anger.

Don't over-eat. Your digestive system doesn't know it's Christmas. Too much food will make you feel sluggish and less energetic.

Take some exercise. It will improve your mood and confidence.

Drink alcohol in moderation. Red wine is the best choice for health.

Drink plenty of water.

Don't eat junk chocolate. It's full of saturated fat, waxes and fillers. It causes headaches and catarrh.

Get enough sleep.

Wash your hands often, it's the simplest way to avoid the transfer of bugs.

Stay grateful, it enhances the brain.

Happiness can be recession proof. According to the Government's first annual Wellbeing Index, we were happiest at the height of the worst recession since the 1930s. Television programmes can be a source of contention so whether you enjoy watching Hugh Grant's bottom-dance in Love Actually or Strictly Come Dancing's Flavia and Vincent doing the Midnight Tango, compromise is the name of the game and everyone can be content.

Enjoy your life one day at a time and live in the moment. You believe your own words more than what you hear from other people, so choose what you think about. Replace negative thoughts with something positive and say no to stress. You can actually decide to be happy.

I can't be with my son and his partner for Christmas this year, but I won't dwell on what I can't have. I will be looking forward to bringing in the New Year with them.  I am grateful for that.

I wish you joy, not just for Christmas but for life.

All it takes for evil to survive is for good men and women to do nothing.

If, like me, you are donating money to charity instead of following the Victorian habit of sending out Christmas cards, please consider Hand of Hope. It's impossible to express the horror of sex trafficking. The details are far too raw to write them here. Hand of Hope provides an escape route and helps women and children to start a new life.

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