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From: "Daily Broadcast Direct" <mail@mail.fotffamily.com>
Date: Thu, 06 Dec 2012 07:03:03 -0500
To: Chrysis<e_chrisis@yahoo.com>
ReplyTo: mail@FocusOnTheFamily.com
Subject: Understanding Biblical Manhood
| ON THE AIR Thursday, December 6, 2012 | | Broadcast App
| | | | Guest: Tony Evans Listen in as Pastor Tony Evans encourages men to live by the standards of biblical manhood and to be intentional about modeling those standards to their families and the culture. | | | yesterday | | tomorrow | | | | | | Today's Spotlight | | | | As a husband and father, you are the leader of your home. | | | | | | | | | DAILY BROADCAST DIRECT provides up-to-date information about the daily Focus on the Family broadcast and is a service of Focus on the Family, a ministry sustained by the contribution and prayers of supporters. | follow us: | | | © 2012 Focus on the Family. | Change Preferences / Unsubscribe | | | |
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