Resurrection Give Us Joy in Lent & Death

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Θέμα: [Νέο άρθρο] Resurrection Give Us Joy in Lent & Death
Εστάλη: 12 Μαρτ. 2013 00:29

Paul Burkhart posted: "Yes, as cliché as it is, I'm watching the new Bible mini-series on the History Channel. I'm actually enjoying it. A few things are odd (the ninja angel, for one), and they made some interesting choices on what to leave out (was the extended Sodom sequence" Respond to this post by replying above this line New post on the long way home | Prodigal Paul Resurrection Give Us Joy in Lent & Death by Paul Burkhart Yes, as cliché as it is, I'm watching the new Bible mini-series on the History Channel. I'm actually enjoying it. A few things are odd (the ninja angel, for one), and they made some interesting choices on what to leave out (was the extended Sodom sequence really worth cutting out the entire Exodus story, Wilderness wandering, and golden calf rebellion?). But there is still a sense of ownership, that this is our story.
(Side note: for those of us that study the Bible and don't necessarily think historicity is the highest purpose for which it was written, it's encouraging to still feel that feeling of identity-formation when encountering our story--even when it's seen as "just" a story.)
Anyway, a review of the show is not why I'm writing today. I just had a brief thought I wanted to share.
In Episode 1 of the mini-series, we see Pharaoh's son die at the end of the plague sequence. Watching him carry the pale, lifeless body of his son, it reminded me of Michelangelo's la Pieta (a version of which you can see above). It was actually quite moving, and I was surprised that I only realized now the sadness of this part of the story. Ανάγνωση του υπολοίπου άρθρου
Paul Burkhart | Μαρτίου 11, 2013 στις 6:29 μμ | Ετικέτες: christianity, death, history channel, joy, lent, repentance, the bible, tv | Κατηγορίες: Biblical Interpretation, Christianity/Theology, Church Year & Holy Days, Eschatology, Evil/Suffering, Film/Television, Lent & Holy Week, Prayer/Meditation, Salvation, Series | URL:
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