A Bright Future

Looking at Orah now, it's impossible to picture her as a terrified young mother fleeing a difficult life in Ethiopia. Today, thanks to the job training she received from a Fellowship-sponsored program, Orah is now a nurse's aide providing a brighter future for herself and her children.

Orah's journey was not easy. She left Ethiopia on foot with 51 friends and relatives, all Jews determined to find a better life in their spiritual homeland: Israel. But by the time they reached a Sudanese refugee camp, their group had shrunk to 32; the rest having died or been captured.

When Orah finally arrived in Israel the only work she could find was that of a cleaning lady. She was barely making ends meet when she learned about the

Fellowship-funded nurse's aid program.

When we invest in women, we not only transform an individual, we also strengthen the fabric of society. This is why The Fellowship supports dozens of projects throughout Israel that educate, train, and empower women.

Orah's story, although admirable, is not unique; tragically, women shoulder most of the world's poverty. By some estimates, up to 70% of the world's poor are female, a staggering fact that severely limits their access to education and employment.

You can make a life-changing difference for women like Orah by helping them acquire new skills and achieve financial security. Your gift will mean so much to these women who simply want to provide a better life for their families.

May God bless you, even as you bless His daughters.

Yael Eckstein

Senior Vice President

Right now, many more Jewish women are praying for the same life-changing chance that Orah received. Please reach out today and help them to achieve lives of independence and dignity. Thank you.
------Αρχικό μήνυμα------
Από: Yael Eckstein
Προς: echrysis@sch.gr
Απάντηση σε: Yael Eckstein
Θέμα: A Bright Future
Εστάλη: 7 Μαϊ. 2013 15:00

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Looking at Orah now, it's impossible to picture her as a terrified young mother fleeing a difficult life in Ethiopia. Today, thanks to the job training she received from a Fellowship-sponsored program, Orah is now a nurse's aide providing a brighter future for herself and her children.
Orah's journey was not easy. She left Ethiopia on foot with 51 friends and relatives, all Jews determined to find a better life in their spiritual homeland: Israel. But by the time they reached a Sudanese refugee camp, their group had shrunk to 32; the rest having died or been captured.
When Orah finally arrived in Israel the only work she could find was that of a cleaning lady. She was barely making ends meet when she learned about the Fellowship-funded nurse's aid program.
When we invest in women, we not only transform an individual, we also strengthen the fabric of society. This is why The Fellowship supports dozens of projects throughout Israel that educate, train, and empower women.
Orah's story, although admirable, is not unique; tragically, women shoulder most of the world's poverty. By some estimates, up to 70% of the world's poor are female, a staggering fact that severely limits their access to education and employment.
You can make a life-changing difference for women like Orah by helping them acquire new skills and achieve financial security. Your gift will mean so much to these women who simply want to provide a better life for their families.
May God bless you, even as you bless His daughters.
Yael Eckstein Senior Vice President
Right now, many more Jewish women are praying for the same life-changing chance that Orah received. Please reach out today and help them to achieve lives of independence and dignity. Thank you.
The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, non-profit organization 30 North LaSalle
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