Their Time Is Coming

New message about
Taking Legal Action Against Facebook
Posted by Raymond Bechard (campaign leader)

It starts with you


"I want him to look at me and know that I'm not a picture; I'm a person."Amy - Child Victim

In America, the Violence Against Women Act gives victims of child pornography the right to "mandatory" restitution or compensation for the "full amount" of their losses including psychiatric care, lost income and legal costs.

Take The Pledge!This means that victims are getting compensated for their abuse by anyone who had anything to do with the crimes against them, from the person who took the photos to those who downloaded and viewed them . . . and everyone in between.

The courts will have to decide if this long-overdue justice for victims will have to come from social networking sites -

 like Facebook - that allow the illicit images to be posted. After all, aren't they as much to blame for the lifetime of pain these children suffer, even as adults?

Read this 

excellent article featured in India's "Open" Magazine about 

MENAPAT's efforts to remove illicit images and videos of children from Facebook.


listen to this exclusive interview with ITalkFM's Pippa Jones about the latest news in the battle to make Facebook safer for children.

Take the Pledge!

Men Against Prostitution and Trafficking needs your help as we continue our work to keep Facebook safe for children and families. Your pledge tells us that you want to be a part of this important Cause. It allows us to build a stronger team - all of us! - to keep the pressure on the world's largest and most powerful Social Network by taking legal action to protect children. Please share this message with your friends.

Thank You,

MENAPATWant to get involved?

See this pledge on Causes.
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From: "Force Facebook To BLOCK All... via Causes" <>
Sender: Causes <>
Date: Mon, 13 May 2013 05:56:12 -0700
To: <>
Subject: Their Time Is Coming

Force Facebook To BLOCK All Child Pornography

A message from the campaign

Force Facebook To BLOCK All Child Pornography

New message about Taking Legal Action Against Facebook

Posted by Raymond Bechard (campaign leader)

It starts with you

"I want him to look at me and know that I'm not a picture; I'm a person.

"Amy - Child Victim

In America, the Violence Against Women Act gives victims of child pornography the right to "mandatory" restitution or compensation for the "full amount" of their losses including psychiatric care, lost income and legal costs.

Take The Pledge!

This means that victims are getting compensated for their abuse by anyone who had anything to do with the crimes against them, from the person who took the photos to those who downloaded and viewed them . . . and everyone in between.

The courts will have to decide if this long-overdue justice for victims will have to come from social networking sites - like Facebook - that allow the illicit images to be posted. After all, aren't they as much to blame for the lifetime of pain these children suffer, even as adults?

Read this excellent article featured in India's "Open" Magazine about MENAPAT's efforts to remove illicit images and videos of children from Facebook.

Then listen to this exclusive interview with ITalkFM's Pippa Jones about the latest news in the battle to make Facebook safer for children.

Take the Pledge!

Men Against Prostitution and Trafficking needs your help as we continue our work to keep Facebook safe for children and families. Your pledge tells us that you want to be a part of this important Cause. It allows us to build a stronger team - all of us! - to keep the pressure on the world's largest and most powerful Social Network by taking legal action to protect children. Please share this message with your friends.

Thank You,
