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Θέμα: Why does God allow suffering?
Εστάλη: 25 Μαϊ. 2013 19:59
Almost inevitably we come face to face with tragedy, loss and grief. Why does God allow suffering? Why does God allow suffering?
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We live in a fallen world... where almost inevitably we come face to face with tragedy, loss and grief. Jesus himself prepared us for this in John 16:33: "In this world you will have troubles. But take heart! I have overcome the world." This passage demonstrates how God's message is not about the promise of a problem free, picture perfect life, but it's rather about redemption in the middle of even the most challenging situations. This week, in light of the tragedy in Oklahoma we would like to share with you resources in Bible360 that address some of the key questions that come up in moments like these.
"Grief" Reading Plan As a suggestion for reading this week, Bible360 has a reading plan on Grief, which takes you through the stories of the Bible where grief was present. Read the passages together with the NIV study notes and reflect upon them.
Video Resources It can be a real challenge reconciling a loving God with a suffering world. The following are inspiring videos you can find in Bible360 linked to the subjects of death, suffering and grief. Find them by searching the above topics, but for the sake of convenience, here are direct YouTube links.
The first one is a short 3 min video by Greg Laurie on the challenging subject of why God allows suffering. Watch now
If you would to go deeper you can watch a two-part sermon by Greg Laurie where he goes over the subject in greater depth. Here are the links for Part 1 & Part 2 of the sermon: Part 1 | Part 2
There is also an inspiring video of Greg Laurie interviewing Steve Curtis Chapman who shares how he coped with the tragic loss of his adopted daughter Maria Sue. Watch now
More Resources In Bible360 you will find many more inspiring resources from John Piper, Mars Hill Church, Focus on the Family, Christianity Today and much more. Bible360 was created for times like t
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