Από: "Admin, InChrist Network"
Στάλθηκε: 12:34 π.μ. Τετάρτη, 12 Ιουνίου 2013
Dear friend,I think we all know it: God is doing amazing things around the world in our day! He is bringing record numbers into His Kingdom and doing mighty works! Watch the amazing miracle God did in this tiny boy's life. WOW!!! http://inchristnetwork.com/videos/34188/7109We need to get people to understand that Jesus is truly ALMIGHTY!! Please forward this email to ten friends and share it everywhere on Facebook!!Thank you for spreading the Word and God bless you!!Laura, The InChristNetwork Staff Team-----------------------------------
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Join staff: http://inchristnetwork.com/forums/topic/117/help-needed
Listen to our audio Bible: http://inchristnetwork.com/pages/bible
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