Young woman rescued by 50 FOOT ANGEL!!!!

 1:10 π.μ. Πέμπτη, 11 Ιουλίου 2013
Θέμα: Young woman rescued by 50 FOOT ANGEL!!!!

Dear friend,
You will not believe this UNBELIEVABLE REPORT!!!! Watch as an ANGEL FROM GOD comes to save a woman as she is about to crash her car!!! WATCH it here
PLEASE SHARE!!! People may be saved as they watch!!!
God is doing AWESOME things at InChrist Network, saving souls through InChrist members stepping out and sharing their faith!!! God is moving!!! Keep praying! Please keep spreading the WORD of God on our wall!! Please keep sharing videos (many are being saved watching). Let's believe together for millions of souls!!!

God bless you!!!
Laura, The InChristNetwork Staff Team
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Have you ever felt life is empty, void of purpose, useless or even pointless? These feelings are quite common.

So why do so many feel this way? The Bible says that "all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." What that means is that we have all separated ourselves from God, and we need God as a child needs his or her parents. You may ask: how did I separate myself from God? Well, God has given us a conscience, He has told us the difference between right and wrong and we all have chosen wrong at one time or another.  We have all "sinned" by doing this, like lying, hating, lusting, cheating etc.

So what's the good news? The Good News is this: although God is just and obligated to not only separate us from Himself, but destroy us for our "sin," He loves us and He sent His Son Jesus to take our punishment and die in our place. Let me explain, as we said earlier we have all made mistakes. These mistakes have separated us from God, left us empty and left us so guilty that God in His justice should destroy us. Not wanting to destroy us, God made Himself into a man (Jesus); He lived as a man and even was tempted to do evil like we do, and once the correct time had come He (Jesus) was crucified and put to death for you and me. If you are willing to turn from sin, accept that sacrifice for yourself and live for God, Jesus will give you a new life, restoring your fellowship with God and sparing you from the judgment that you (like all of us) deserve.

Receiving Jesus is as easy as praying this prayer:

Lord Jesus, I recognize that I have sinned. I ask you Lord to forgive me my sin. I choose to turn from sin and follow you. I choose to live for you, tell others about you and love others. I choose to be your servant and spread your love. I thank you Lord that you died in my place. I thank you for forgiving me my sin. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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