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Dear friend,
Have you seen this video? It tells the story of a little boy who actually VISITED HEAVEN and came back!!! When he returned he had amazing knowledge of things he knew nothing about before!!! Watch it here http://inchristnetwork.com/videos/30/15096
PLEASE SHARE IT WITH ALL YOUR FRIENDS!! We need to tell the world that GOD IS REAL, and so are HEAVEN and HELL!!!!
May the Lord bless you as you share the NEWS!
Laura, The InChristNetwork Staff Team
P.S. Like to invite your friends to InChrist? Just send them this link: http://www.inchristnetwork.com .
Important links
Get involved in our outreach program: http://inchristnetwork.com/forums/topic/74/how-to-join-our-outreach-what
Update your email notification settings: http://inchristnetwork.com/members/settings/notifications
Start making friends at InChrist: http://inchristnetwork.com/forums/topic/8/looking-for-friends-post-here
Join staff: http://inchristnetwork.com/forums/topic/117/help-needed
Listen to our audio Bible: http://inchristnetwork.com/pages/bible
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