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From: Couchsurfing <noreply@couchsurfing.org>
Date: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 18:38:18 +0000
To: Emmanuel Chrysis<e_chrisis@yahoo.com>
Subject: [CS Group: Christian] A FRIEND LIKE YOU
| New post "A FRIEND LIKE YOU" in Christian | Clement Alade 0 / Male Nigeria | " | A FRIEND LIKE YOU. 1) This life is filled with sorrow, And trouble here below, We oft and made to wonder, Just why it would be so, ln every tribulation, This life must bring to view. Chorus... Oh Lord we need a friend like You. Lord we need, a friend, on this weary road, need someone, to guid, cheer our heavy load, need someone, to love, tell us what to do. Oh Lord we need a friend like You. 2) Oh Lord we know, You traveled the road to Jericho, And helped a lonely pilgrim. The Bible tells us so, when earthly friend forsake us and all the world seems blue. Chorus... 3)They said that many trials will come. To vex the soul. That cloud will after gather to dim for us the goals. In every sad condition to lead us safety through. Chorus... Oh Lord we need a friend like You..... DEAR reader, Dont give up, Jesus is still your best friend...
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