God Is Your Strong Tower

------Αρχικό μήνυμα------
Από: Hinn, Benny
Προς: Χρύσης, Κος Eμμανουήλ
Θέμα: God Is Your Strong Tower
Εστάλη: 1 Ιουν. 2014 02:46

God Is Your Strong Tower Dear Emmanuel:
Our precious Master Jesus said, "In this world you will have trouble." But do you ever feel like you're having more than your fair share?
I'm often asked, "How can I guard against the storms of adversity that have robbed my health, my finances, and my joy?"
Well, I have an answer for you-rather, make that God's revealed Word has an answer for you to protect yourself and your family from poverty, sickness, and lack!
Click here to read Pastor Benny's powerful teaching, "God Is Your Strong Tower."
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