Από: Humane Society International
Προς: Χρύσης, Κος Eμμανουήλ
Θέμα: Will you help us fight dog meat trade cruelty?
Εστάλη: 21 Ιουν. 2014 15:45
Take a stand against the dog meat trade by making a gift now. Trouble with links or images? View this message online. June 21, 2014 Share: Dear Emmanouil, The photos of emaciated, scared dogs in wire cages, waiting to be slaughtered, were hard to bear. The images were sent to me by our team members on the ground in Yulin, China, where we've joined forces with local activists to fight the region's summer dog meat "celebration."
One picture I found terribly disturbing was one of a huge pile of shaved dog fur — part of the process of making the dogs more presentable for eating — with a little red dog collar lying in the heap. The collar of a beloved pet — stolen, abused, and now dead.
No animal deserves to go through this kind of cruelty. Donate today to help HSI keep up the fight against the dog meat trade.
Right now in China, thousands of dogs are being cruelly bound and trucked over long distances for the dog meat celebration. Dogs and puppies—many of them stolen pets— are captured, transported, confined and slaughtered under horrific conditions.
With your support, the HSI team and local activists are doing everything to stop the cruelty, and we're making progress.
Please help us keep up the momentum and make an urgent gift today.
The outpouring from people like you resulted in more than 108,000 signatures calling on Chinese officials to end this "festival," showing organizers and participants the world is outraged.
Chinese media are reporting widely on the cruelty, and local activists with our support have protested in front of the Yulin city hall. Officials, trying to hide the evidence, told dog meat restaurant owners to remove the term "dog" from all menus.
We've shown what we can accomplish together in just a few days — now let's shut down this spectacle for good! Please make a special donation today – every gift counts.
Together, we can make a better life for these dogs. Thank you.
Andrew Rowan President and CEO Humane Society International
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