Πρ: Urgent Prayer Request

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From: Rabbi Eckstein <RabbiEckstein@ifcj.org>
Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 11:16:45 -0500 (CDT)
To: <echrysis@sch.gr>
ReplyTo: Rabbi Eckstein <RabbiEckstein@ifcj.org>
Subject: Urgent Prayer Request

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Dear Emmanouil,

Yesterday during ceasefire talks, Hamas launched 50 rockets into Israel in a single half hour — rockets targeting Ben Gurion airport, Tel Aviv, and Jerusalem. The quiet is over and rockets rain down on Israel. As the code red sirens sound across the Holy Land, Israelis are again experiencing the fear and trauma of war. More than 3,000 rockets have been fired at Israel in the last seven weeks, and over 150 in the last 24 hours.

Today, please join me in lifting up Israel and her people in prayer. I ask you to pray:

  • That God continues to place His hand of protection over His people, that "no weapon formed against you (Israel) shall prosper" (Isaiah 54:17).
  • That He brings comfort to the most vulnerable — the children who should not have to grow up in terror, and Holocaust survivors who should be able to live out their years without fear — that He continues to use us as His messengers to let them know that they are NOT alone.
  • That He continues to give us the strength and courage to stand with Israel, to support her in deed and action — to give feet to our blessings and swift wings to our support.
  • That the United States does not abandon Israel at a time such as this — that President Obama reaffirms the friendship between our two nations and recommits to a zero tolerance against terror.
  • That nations around the world realize that Hamas does not want peace — that Hamas is a criminal terrorist group that wants Israel’s destruction at a horrific price — pray that the eyes of other nations will be opened so that Israel does not have to stand alone against this terror.
  • For the brave men and women who are on the front lines, putting their lives at risk as guardians of Israel.

Thank you for praying with me, and standing with Israel and the Jewish people.

Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein
Founder and President

PS. Please share this request with your family, friends, church groups, and prayer teams. And thank you again for all that you do for Israel and her people.


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