We pray for a continued peace

We pray for a continued peace as this uneasy ceasefire's 72-hour window draws to a close.

Hamas is threatening to terrorize Israel with rockets after the ceasefire and continue their mission of wiping Israel off the map.

Tragically, much of the biased media continues to side with Hamas, demonizing Israel for protecting her people from a deadly plot of terror and barrages of rocket attacks.

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Israel needs faithful friends like you now more than ever before!

The Scriptures make clear the Lord's divine plan for Israel:

He promises His blessings upon those who bless Israel and her people (Genesis 12:3)
He gave the Promised Land to Abraham through an "everlasting" covenant (Genesis 17:7)
He protects her in the "shadow" of His wings while "mortal enemies" remain dedicated to rejecting His promises and seeking to annihilate Israel (Psalm 17:8–9)
In turn, the Scriptures encourage us to "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem" (Psalm 122:6)
Clearly, it will be a long road to recovery.

As Hamas seeks to "erase" Israel through any means, many others, including the liberal media, are battering Israel with hostile words and threats of punishment. In response, we must meet these challenges with an equally stern commitment of spiritual solidarity!
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