Force-fed and killed for cleaning products. Please help us end the cruelty.

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From: "Cruelty Free International" <>
Date: Mon, 09 Feb 2015 19:11:20 +0000
ReplyTo: "Cruelty Free International" <>
Subject: Force-fed and killed for cleaning products. Please help us end the cruelty.

Animals don't belong in laboratories. Can't read this email properly? Click here to open in your browser. Please add to your address book and safe senders list.

Dear Emmanouil,

You can buy detergent to remove stains from your clothes, bleach to clean your toilet and sprays to make your living room smell of "summer meadows". You can choose from thousands of products to whiten, brighten, disinfect and make your home sparkle.

But despite the enormous variety of cleaning products and ingredients that are already available and have been shown to be safe and effective, some companies still choose to produce their "new and improved" products at the cost of thousands of innocent animals' lives.

Please make a donation to help us end the use of animals in product testing.

In the skin sensitisation test, a chemical is rubbed onto the shaved skin of guinea pigs or painted onto the ears of mice to test for allergic reactions.

In the repeated dose test, rats can be force-fed or made to inhale a chemical every day for up to 90 days to measure the effects of long-term exposure to the substance.

In the reproductive toxicity test, pregnant rabbits or rats are force-fed the chemical throughout their pregnancy to investigate the effect of the substance on fertility, birth and growth of the young.

Thousands of animals are made to suffer in this one test alone.

Of course, once the experiment is over, the animals are killed and discarded – like rubbish.

It's a tragic waste of life. But together we can change this Emmanouil.

We desperately need donations to help us end the cruel use of animals in product testing worldwide. Can you make an urgent donation today?

Not only are the animal tests extremely cruel, but we believe they are unnecessary. There are a range of humane alternatives available for many of these tests, and they are increasingly proving to be quicker, cheaper and more reliable. These modern methods are more relevant to people and have been found to predict human reactions better than the animal tests.

For instance, the skin sensitisation test above can be replaced by studying proteins in test tubes.

Emmanouil your donation today could help us:

1. persuade international regulatory bodies to validate and accept alternative methods.

2. provide equipment and training to scientists around the world in how to use humane replacement methods.

3. lobby governments to pass legislation banning the use of animals in household product testing.

Please give what you can.

Thank you.

Michelle Thew


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