--Από: "KOREANDOGS.ORG"Δευ, 5 Αυγ, 2019 στις 0:19Θέμα: URGENT- New Petition: Punish the dog butcher bludgeoning dogs to death!Email template | Change.org
KOREANDOGS.ORG shared an update on Samsung: Help us to end the abhorrent cruelty and suffering of cats & dogs in your country Check it out and leave a comment:
Petition Update
URGENT- New Petition: Punish the dog butcher bludgeoning dogs to death!
Please watch this video: https://youtu.be/s0amUtbcpiM
A dog butcher in Tongyeong, South Korea is daily bludgeoning dogs to death in front of other terrified dogs and the local government authority is doing nothing about it. This video is not a replay of same clip over and over. Each of these were recorded at different times. This psychopath criminal has 40 to 50 dogs in his farm and the dogs...
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You signed KOREANDOGS.ORG's petition, "Samsung: Help us to end the abhorrent cruelty and suffering of cats & dogs in your country", on May 3, 2018
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