Please sign new petitions to shut down the illegal dog farms!

Από: KoreanDogs. org <>

Στάλθηκε: Πέμπτη, 24 Οκτωβρίου 2019, 09:05:05 π.μ. EEST
Θέμα: Please sign new petitions to shut down the illegal dog farms!
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New Calls for Action: 
Shut down the illegal dog farms!
Asan, Boryeong, Gongju, Cheonan,
Buan, Gochang, and Sunchang Added!
Korea Animal Rights Advocates (KARA) has a dog farm archive map which lists the dog farms throughout South Korea. Click HERE to learn more.

The list contains 2,861 dog farms. We will file epeople petitions for each of these dog farms, urging the Korean government to inspect and take immediate actions to shut them down. Click HERE for the status of our epeople petition filing.
Please click HERE to do your part by taking quick and simple actions. We have added many more cities and will continue to add more.
Photo: South Korea's horrific dog farm/slaughterhouses. Korean animal rights activist, Jung Jin Woo.
Busan Buk-gu Government,
We support your plan to build an Animal Welfare Center at the former site of Gupo Dog Meat Market!

Sharing for Busan Korea Allicance for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Busan KAPCA).

Busan KAPCA is asking us to show our support for the Busan Buk-gu District Government's plan to build the West Busan Animal Welfare Center at the site of Busan Gupo Dog Meat Market that has been shut down. Some of the members of the Busan Buk-gu District Council are against this plan, arguing that human welfare should be the priority. Council member Kang Gwang-Jin expressed his opposition to building an animal welfare center, and is leading the opposition effort.

Let's express ourselves and add our voices to say that South Korea must improve animal welfare, and that building the animal welfare center at the former site of horrific animal cruelty that took the lives of countless sentient beings, would show the world that Busan is serious about improving animal welfare in their city, and seek to improve their image in the world.

Please sign our petition today!

🧡Busan KAPCA is funded entirely by donations.
To support & donate to Busan KAPCA 👉
[News] Remains of abandoned dogs in Jeju
turned into feedstock
The Korea Herald reported on October 20, "An animal protection center operated by the provincial government of Jeju Island said Sunday parts of dead animals have been used for producing feedstock.
The Jeju animal hygiene lab -- to which the animal center is affiliated -- said Sunday that remains of dogs from the center were forwarded to a rendering firm which sold the bone parts to feedstock manufacturers between January and Oct. 9 this year.
Rendering refers to the process of converting waste animal tissues into usable materials such as industrial oils and fertilizers. Earlier on Friday, Democratic Party lawmaker Rep. Yun June-ho released data which showed a total of 3,829 dog remains -- 1,434 resulting from natural deaths and 2,395 from euthanized dogs -- had been rendered and the by-products used to produce animal feed from January to September this year."
Click HERE to learn more.
Photo: Jeju Animal Protection Center.


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